Ask a Question

Ask Melinda a question

Have you ever wondered, “if I could ask Melinda one question, what would it be?” Sure you have! Now is your opportunity.

Melinda has struggled with the same issues you are struggling with right at this moment. We would like you, our “web friend,” to share your questions, and Melinda will answer your question on this page or through an e-mail. Wouldn’t you like to do your part to give our little website abundant content?

Keep in mind that we will pick and choose which questions to post, but those we don’t post will be answered via email, unless we think your question is a thinly veiled homework assignment. We won’t use your full name or your email address in the post, nor will we send you an email unless you ask us to. We might lightly and lovingly edit your question.

    Your name:

    Your email:

    Your question:

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